OK guys,
I have caught hundreds of white crappie in Kentucky Lake in 25' of water over brush piles on minnows- somehwat muddy water. I have caught some beautiful black crappie in the backwaters of Long Lake, MN in 2' of water in a 6' diameter opening in the lilly pads, on nightcrawlers- clear water.
Can I conclude that the BC eat more zooplankton because of the location that they seem to prefer? And the same goes for WC? And applying this to a large pond, the BC seems to be a better fit, because they don't eat as many small fish? But because a pond environment is on a smaller scale, a guy might force the BC to adapt to eating more small fish?
I ask these questions because I really would like to stock some BC in my pond at some point. I know all the advise is against it. Somebody had stocked some WC in our last pond and everybody enjoyed catching them. I monitered a trap to keep track of the young fish. I never trapped a baby crappie. I assume the bass took care of them. I did notice a decline in the baby bass over the years.

Brad B.