I'd like to share my thoughts on this because it follows a similar pattern of how we deal with "planning" in a State run situation.
My thoughts and beliefs are that this is very well written and the way it's laid out in a format I understand and am familiar with.
There are constants and variables-always...the understanding comes when a manager understands the value the "constant" represents must be changed some to fit the ever changing environment we deal with. And I will be the first to admit, I have a lot to learn, regardless of the people I work with.
Every BOW changes-ages-from day 1 on. The true constant is the ability to recognize and adapt to the variables by using learned knowledge.
You guys that work with WR's a lot have seen the changes (standards) that have changed through the years for various reasons, what it boils down to is either a trend has developed showing a lean in one direction or another and for the most part, this starts to show up as more and more data points are collected.
This is a well rounded, excellent series of point(s) to start the data for each specific BOW.
Adaption comes with many data points of observation on each particular situation, added and calculated into the "averages" based on how that BOW reacts to changes made.
This is really an exceptional document to me and looks to be a great tool in anyone's hands that is willing to apply the principles outlined.
Very nice to see this.

Last edited by Snipe; 08/27/19 02:02 AM.