My pond is just shy of 2 acres. It was covered with ice last week but it thawed this week. I am waiting on a salvage tag from the game warden. The forcast shows good till late in the week then it might ice over again.

Mr. Cody, you are suggesting that it is OK for me to leave it in the pond if or when I do cut the antlers off? I really have no where to take it if I had to remove it. The pond is only 125' from my back door so pulling it out and leaving it on the bank isn't really the choice that I want to do. I don't have enough land to take it to one side let alone trying to get it there with out it blowing up and causing a mess where I really don't want it.

My pond has some water that is 9'-10' but the majority is in the 5 foot range. Very clear water most of the year since there are about 4 springs that run directly into it. I have lived here about 6 years and I have seen the water not run through the over flow pipe 3 times in the heat of the summer but then come up and start running again with out no rain. That should tell you how good the springs are.

Any other questions I can answer let me know, Mike