I think I understand the benefit of HSB and HBG in a smaller pond, from a position of much lower recruitment and potential overpopulation. I also have read that HSB will put up a heck of a fight when hooked, even compared to LMB, and that they are also tasty to eat. Same with HBG - larger and more aggressive than regular bluegill.

That said, I think I still want some LMB and bluegill...even though I understand they will eventually dominate the fishery. I understand I will have to remove fish from the pond to maintain balance, and am looking forward to eating fish with my boys that were caught in our pond.

In the interest of delaying a takeover by reproducing species, how does the following adjusted stock list look in terms of mix & quantity for a pond in the 0.3-0.4 acre range? Again, I would plan to supplement feed for the first year or so (Optimal Junior, Bluegill, then maybe Bass?).

15lb FHM, stocked at least 2 months before fish
200 HBG 3-5"
100 RES 4-5"
100 BG 3-5"
20 HSB 4-7"
20 LMB 4-7"
10 CC 6-8"

I'll wait to see if I need any TGC before stocking them.

I was able to sneak away today and start making/placing some structure with natural logs and pallets; need to secure them with cinder blocks. Probably also need to get some creek rock or rip-rap and make some rockpiles. Also thinking of taking a half-dozen 8-10' sections of 3-4" trees that were removed and placing them vertically in 5gal buckets with concrete to simulate flooded tree trunks - good idea/bad idea/not necessary idea?

Pond has 6" of water in the deepest section after roughly 0.3" of rain earlier this week...not forecast to get a lot of rain in the next couple weeks, so time to make hay while the sun shines.
Planning to get my dock built (two 6'x12' sections as a T, just to the right of the pea gravel in picture), more structure placed, and the aerator set up before TOO much more water.

Again, I greatly appreciate all the feedback and insight here!

Last edited by Paul FNG; 08/02/19 06:32 PM.