Quarter Acre gives good advice. Allowing the FHM a head start to create a strong pond cycle and reproduce, is sound logic. They can be the "Canary in the coal mine", just in case, and you won't have to feed the predators for some time. Plus, they eat mosquito larvae.

This is also the stage to start thinking about the environment around the pond. No matter what you plant or if you allow mother nature to do her thing, don't use fertilizers.

The one thing I advocate is testing your water and keeping a spreadsheet with not just the parameters tested but the conditions of the test. For less than $100 you can get a Dissolved Oxygen and pond test kit (nitrates, ammonia, Ph, phosphates) and it will take enough tests for 3 years if stored properly. You'll then know if your pond has the water quality to proceed with the planned stocking and the health of fish that are in it.