Ryan, I used the Barley straw the year before the tilapia, it did seem to help some but couldn't keep up with the FA production and since my pond sets close to front of our property it didn't look very pretty with all the straw bales staked around the shore lines, and was a mess to clean up. Next year tried Meadowlarks suggestion about tilapia and within three weeks they had all the FA cleaned up and pond looked great all summer and no chemicals used after tilapia were put in. The only problem I had was I got the Niles Tilapia for dollar apiece 1/4 pounders. I got 170 fish and put in 1/2 acre pond (did remove a few for friend)and that was way to many for size of pond, because they would roam together and stir up shallow areas so pond stayed cloudy looking (not muddy). This year I"m going to start out with just 20 fish and add as needed. This was the best advice I ever got on fighting the FA. Thanks again Meadowlark for advice and Bill Cody for telling me how to find out where to buy them in my area. Good Luck Ryan