Originally posted by postbeetle:
Re Aeration: Have 1 acre pond, 15 yrs old, stocked for 4 years in E. Central Ia. The 1st 3 years after stocking simply put a large round bale in at shore edge before freezeup. Had no problems with winterkill. Did not break ice nor remove snow. Last year I got "professional" and installed a 1/2 horse Gast "fin" pump, 1/2" tube and stainless steel diffuser in deep water. Created a 15-20' hole in 8" of ice all winter. This spring I had fish kill (LMB, HBG, couple of CC). Needless to say I now have a cheap big bale of grasshay at the pond edge. We'll see what happens come spring. Thanks-Postbeetle.
Well Postbettle from my experience you over did it. I did the same with two airlines in deepwater a few years ago with a 1/3 hp compressor. I had a partial fish kill too come spring along with stressed bass.

I now use a much smaller compressor and airflow to the lip edge of the ponds. No more than three feet deep. I believe I could get away with no air flow if I keep snow of the ponds (do that too), but the problem is there is always a chance you could get thin ice with a heavy snowfall and not be able to get on the ice to remove the snow. I also go to Florida to visit the folks a few weeks in December every other year, and don't want to take the chance of heavy snowfall while I'm away.

I'm going to set up my smaller compressors and airlines today.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.