As far as I know, every type of algae production are based on those three elements (sun, nutrients and water). The way my pond was dug, FA has a very limited area where it is able to grow as the sides drop off very quickly over 90% of the shoreline. I do have some FA, but it is minimal and I dont really have an issue with what little I have. I can easily rake out most of it in an hour or so. Because FA cant really get a strong foothold, PA has taken advantage of the nutrient load. To the point where CS treatments barely last a week. If I can make it thru this summer without stroking over this scum, aeration will be running 24/7 until the temps come up again. If I can get by without ever using CS again, I will be a very happy man.

I do mow around my pond and make sure the vast majority of it is discharged away from the pond. Even weedeating doesnt throw much refuse into the pond. I get a ton of leaves in the fall tho. The watershed coming from next door passes thru about 20 feet of wild growth of trees and grasses that have been allowed to grow at will...a natural privacy fence if you will. All that water is directed to enter my pond at one point thru a shallow ditch. It very seldom adds any color to my pond, and even then its minimal and clears in a few days.

I am trying to figure out what else I can do to filter that inflow before it enters my pond. Bog type plants in the current state wont work because once the inflow drains off the ground dries up very fast and it is sand/clay. Probably going to have to dig it out and supplement that soil with peat and gravel so it holds moisture better and the water can be better filtered before getting to the pond, which is about 30 feet. I have wild Iris on my property that can be transplanted to that location, if I can make the area suitable for them.

I have been researching Alum as a floculant and have found some interesting perspectives, both for and against using it. Regardless of whether its CS or Alum, your only treating the symptoms of the issue, and until you correct the problem, those symptoms will continue to recur.

Last edited by Mike Whatley; 06/20/19 03:07 PM.

.10 surface acre pond, 10.5 foot deep. SW LA. The epitome of a mutt pond. BG, LMB, GSF, RES, BH, Warmouth, Longear Sunfish, Gambusia,Mud Minnows, Crappie, and now shiners!!...I subscribe!!