Well, first "setback" with the project. I've been working on clearing out the brush along both creeks to make room for some more desirable plantings with wildflowers, native grasses, and fruit/nut trees and bushes. While I was working on that, the wife decided She doesn't want the willows gone because she will lose all of the privacy around the pond. So I'm planting rows of wild plum and other large shrubs around the whole thing but on the opposite site of the creeks. Critters will love it when done I guess.

Attached photo is a closer aerial showing existing and approximate proposed pond (blue).

Anyone have experience with a skid loader front mounted brush hog? Been thinking of renting one to try out on the willows, but some of them are nearing 3" diameter so I didn't know if it could handle those. Any advice is sure welcome!

Attached Images
Last edited by lmoore; 05/03/19 08:40 AM.