As long as polymer remains dry should be good to go. I recommend treating with water temps minimally in the 50s - early Spring good time for treatment prior to macrophyte establishment.

Are you routing all your gutters from home/outbuildings to the pond? It's a cheap and easy project to ditch drain tile from downspouts to the pond...last I checked 100' tile was around $30. You'd be amazed how much water your roofs catch during events...good long term investment.

I would verify your daily water loss now as evaporation is minimal...quantify your data so you understand exactly what you're facing. Use a 1/2" stick of scrap PVC or stake and make 1/2" marks and record daily vertical water loss. I agree you're apparently losing water, but there's a point of diminishing returns chasing a minor seep bearing in mind ALL earthen ponds leak to some degree. Invest that effort into learning how to manage the fishery at a higher's a lot more fun and productive!

At any rate I'm a phone call away if you need help or want to walk through any issues even if it's just to ease your mind. I'm working with a PB client right now losing 5" daily....he'd give his right arm for a 1/4" daily leak!

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

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