I am not saying CC from the river will not eat pelleted feed. Reread what I said - ""wild CC may not readily train to eat pellets unless there are some other pelleting eating CC present. I said may not; I did not say will not.

I am saying it will take some added effort to get them to come up off the bottom for pellets. When they realize food is on the surface they will readily eat pellets. This is what I would do if you stock river CC. Go some where and get some pelleting CC from a pond where CC are eating pellets. To catch them use live bait near the surface when the cats are feeding on pellets. This way you are confident the fish you catch are pellet eaters. These fish will help "teach" the wild CC to eat pellets. It is very possible that a few of the wild river CC will never learn to eat pellets. It is unnatural for bottom oriented CC to feed at the surface; so they have to be conditioned to come to the surface for their food.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 02/04/19 08:06 PM.

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