Lou, I understand your view. Up to a point, but only up to a point. I don't even kill rattlesnakes or copperheads unless they are around the house or pond or other places that I/we spend a lot of time around. I consider all water snakes as harmless until I find out differently. I don't allow non discriminatory shooting or "target practice" with rabbits, turtles or sparrows as the objective. If you shoot a buck on my land, it better go to the taxidermist.

However, I mercilessly destroy pests or problems with me being the only judge on my own land. A lot of people like squirrels but, around the house(s), I try to eliminate them. They have chewed 2 holes in the side of my house for nesting and multiple holes in the sides of my trailer house in the country. Long billed birds around the pond also qualify since I insist on being the only external predator at the water hole. A couple of years ago stray dogs just about ran all of the deer off my land. Game cameras showed nothing but dogs, even at night. That's no longer a problem. Mad neighbors are. They were asked politely and then warned multiple times.

A lot of people say "It's just nature" and I agree and understand. It is the nature of rodents to gnaw and of coyotes to kill easy prey. However, I'm not into rehabilitation but believe strongly in retribution and handling problems on a personal basis. BTW, I really like coyotes and would much rather have them than I would chickens. Actually, I think I prefer all wildlife more than I like people, children excepted. Oh yeah, I like dogs but they need to be kept up.

Sorry, this got wordy and I need to get off my soap box and get ready for work.