Sorry if you said but how big is the pond? Unless you add alot of dye it will not darken the water enough. I used 250 gallons this year. As mentioned it lowers primary production by blocking sunlight to phyto. I use in ponds and lakes where asethetics is more important than fish production. Also I add just enough (blue) dye to mix with muddy conditions that results in a nice green color that most pond owners would never even know is dye. Problem is if you do that I doubt it will work. I guess my point is you will have to apply lots , which is fairly $$ and I doubt it will work??? One last point is that if you use during the cool months (nov-march) of the year you will not have to worry about harming fish production point b/c little production occurs then anyway. Good luck and I still say shoot them when you can.

Greg Grimes