Honestly he had a pretty bad smell so I didn't want to mess with him much. Thankfully a guy that works for me picked him up and put him on the bucket. The only thing we had to measure him with was the ruler that is built in to the tail gate on the gator, but neither of us were brave enough to pick him up that far. Part of my business is striping parking lots (reason for my toe being painted on the boot in the pic) and I use my boot to step off lengths for a quick reference from time to time. My boot sole is 12" exactly. I put my boot beside him and he was ever bit as long as my boot. I can measure that bucket bottom and see if that helps get an idea.

Sunil, I agree. He looked perfect as far as condition. His back was so thick. It looked like he had 3/4" tenderloins.

The area below my pond where the pipe comes out has created about a 8'x8' hole of water. i put 4 bg and 4 lmb in that hole of water when i first noticed the otter activity. they were kinda of a lure to the trap and it worked, twice. Before i caught the otters all the bg died, but the lmb were fine. There was only a trickle of water coming out of the pipe. This leads me to believe that bg cannot tolerate certain water conditions that lmb can. I believe something happens to my water condition occasionally and that is why i have a few die.

Scott Hanners