I bought a used Honda Big Red (only it’s green). I had a really used Ranger before that. My experience with Honda motorcycles had me thinking the utv would be pretty reliable.
It’s been very solid. I like shaft drive on stuff vs belts. The three speed transmission seems fine,although it isn’t exactly smooth shifting. Runs fast enough for me, I don’t think the older Honda’s have as high a top speed as the Rsngers. I have the rear facing seat up in the bed. I keep it folded shut 90% of the time, unless the grandkids are around.
The only real complaint I have is changing the oil. They make it impossible to get to the oil filter. Also, my Ranger had better storage than the Honda. But my Honda runs a lot cooler. The ranger was cooking everyone up front in the summer.

9 yr old pond, 1 ac, 15' deep.
RES, YP, GS, FHM (no longer), HBG (going away), SMB, and HSB (only one seen in 5 yrs) Restocked HSB (2020) Have seen one of these.
I think that's about all I should put in my little pond.
Otter attack in 2023