Yes and I wish more would read his and other of the Founders works. They set out many of the principles that we use every day in pond mgt. Also they have been in many cases further refined by subsequent scientific studies.

My point was that because of Swingle's scientific charge from the Gov/University to do food production research much of his work was on small ponds for a short duration (year or 2). He was not charged/allowed to work in detail on a pond with multiple species for years to document how the species changed/interacted over long periods. Also his tools were much more limited - feed research is vastly changed as has the knowledge of water quality (fertility) See Boyd's works on water - another Founder in my mind. Also at the time knowledge on genetics was almost non existent. Much has changed in the field of knowledge because of the works of the Founders like Swingle , Boyd and many others. What is truly amazing is that the basic principles first developed by Swingle have stood the test of time and are still very much relevant today . One of my favorites is the seine survey - that you can determine the status of a predator population by measuring the status of the prey population.

There is substantial research on fish production for food purposes (not in the recreational fishery realm). See CC and tilapia for example and some early work was done on BG. Others would be trout and salmon. Most of it is monoculture fisheries.

Last edited by ewest; 10/31/18 11:43 AM.