Originally Posted By: anthropic
RES are thriving in my pond re electroshocking, but I have yet to catch one. Not sure if they are more lure shy or if I'm fishing where they aren't.

See what jpsdad below your post said.

I will catch them fishing off the bottom when trying to lure a CC to bite my tiny 1/32 oz jig tipped with a small bit of something. Like fishing for BG with a jig but letting it go to the bottom or very near the bottom.

Considering that RES in most ponds are only a tiny fraction of the population of BG, either finding where the RES concentrate or cheating like I do and fish in a pond that has only RES increases your odds of catching one. Sometimes it is hard to keep the BG away from the bait long enough to let the RES have a chance to bite.

Once in a while I will have a RES hit like a BG when I cast and retrieve. But most of the time it is more like jpsdad describes. I will often feel a light tug, then another, then if the RES decides it really is something to eat they will gingerly take the baited hook. But they seem to (most of the time) be very persnickety biters.

Last edited by snrub; 10/29/18 10:07 AM.


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