I have almost read everything on this forum, and it has been enjoyable to be able to learn so much from such a great free resource. My question is unique in that I can't find anything on this site for a bow as large as 140 acres. The lake is natural. The majority of it is five to eight feet deep with 10% being 10' to12'. There are fish in it however I think it winterkills often. I did caught 10" perch so there must be some of it that does not. It is clear 5-6 ' secchi all summer. Most of the shore has lily pads with some bulrushes. I has submerged weeds not excessive but normal for mn lake. I have not tested the water, but I did soil test for food plots. Phosphorus was off the charts high. Probably because most of the 15 acres I own the paper mill dumped all the excess wood chips in this low area in the 50's. I have 10-14 inches of fill on top of 4-5 feet of wood chips. Most of the land is woods, ( lots of leaves) when I did the wood chips they look like new. The water table is within 16" of grade. Some more some less. I was thinking of digging a pond and putting fish in, but now I am thinking of turning my attention to the lake. My main concerns are getting rid of, or reducing the four to five feet of muck and stoping the winterkill. I want to do aeration on the lake. I have many questions about the equipment. Like size, will it work on the muck, how big of a hole do I need in the ice, I have the only outlet creek running though property and it stays ice free all winter so it has some spring action. Am I wasting my time and money if I only do in front of my property? Will fish be smart enough to move to higher d o ? Will aeration and bacteria treatment help with the muck more or is aeration alone enough? Thanks for the time I appreciate any help I can get.