I had in mind stocking them all at the same time. You could do as you suggested.

The reason for some of all is to have genetics set in original stockers which should be alive for 8-10 years. There is some concern by others that F-1s lead to reduced quality genetics over time. I don't share that belief for southern waters. But to avoid the possibility and have a few Fla genes I would add a few Flas. Not many but about 15%. If they spawn with Flas you retain pure Fla genes, if they spawn with F-1s you have higher % Fla gene crosses and if they spawn with northerns then you have more F-1s. Same concept with northerns and F-1s. You can then manage from there by harvest and adding new genes if needed.

Last edited by ewest; 09/19/18 10:55 AM.