Originally Posted By: DannyMac
My gams survived in a little 4 x 8 x 1 feet holder frozen down to two inches. They can take a lot of abuse: temperature, oxygen, etc. They've been depleted a lot this summer in my main pond because the baby bass git em. I have a few thousand in that little holder...started with twenty-five from Amazon a couple years ago . . .

That is a remarkable number of GAMs. I could see that little "forage holder" being a good source of pregnant adults to supplement your pond. I've wondered how big container it would take to keep adult numbers up in 1/4 acre pond. That's definitely big enough to make a difference. Danny, would you mind remarking about how you feed them and whether water exchange and aeration are provided?

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers