Getting a little further along in the planning process, and have a few questions for you guys!

I'm seeing most smaller ponds utilize filters and skimmers, but this doesn't seem to apply to anything over 30,000 gallons or so. I'd love to keep this thing crystal clear, but I'm not sure if filters and skimmers would be necessary or even possible for a 300,000-500,000 gallon pond?

Guessing most people just use aeration on larger ponds?

So far I've decided to go ahead and line the pond and will do rock over that to keep the moose from popping holes in the liner. Seems the small rock is also great for natural bacteria and the entire pond ecosystem.

May need to install a drain pipe under the liner if we hit water, and still working out how this may work if you have suggestions?

Also going to incorporate about a 100-foot cascading stream to help with aeration and water movement for the trout.

I'd be curious to get everyone's thoughts on filters and skimmers in large ponds, and the options we have?

Attached is the Sattelite view.

Attached Images
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