This summer is my 3rd year of running Kasco diffusers. The bottom of my 3+ acre pond has two different pool depths separated by a roadbed, ridge or whatever one wants to call it. Pool depths very during the summer but basically it is 10' and about an acre of it and 12' about a half acre depths for the most part with the remaining acreage running around 5' depths. My water temps ran 87 last year top to bottom and my Do ran between 5 and 6ppm. This year after watching facebook live with Mr Lusk I changed 4 diffusers and placed them off bottom or about 7 to 9' water depths. Now after doing this the water temps below those depths is about 8 to 10 degrees cooler. I have not been able to ck the DO because my meter probe is broken and waiting on another one to show up. But I will say, I have seen some improvement in fish activity over this summer and when running my fish finder I find fish from top to bottom in the pond. I think this setup is much better and I will keep it this way.

Last edited by TGW1; 08/29/18 08:28 AM.

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