Originally Posted By: snrub
Originally Posted By: wbuffetjr

If DO levels drop at night and are lowest at sunrise, isn't aeration mostly needed/effective at night??

DO is most needed at the end of night early in the morning near sunrise. But replace the word aeration in your statement abover with "water movement from lower to upper regions of the pond" since that is actually what your aeration equipment is doing. Yes, your needs for more DO is in the pre-dawn hours. But is moving lower water upward (which is actually what your doing) accomplishing that goal?

Snrub - At this point I am assuming most folks in these conversations understand that by saying aeration we mean moving the bottom water up, BUT you know what they say about assumptions.

I am not sure I understand the part of your question that I put in bold. We know that moving bottom water to the surface increases our DO, aren't we just trying to pick the best time to do it??

I learned that once water reaches the air/water interface water is extremely efficient at exchanging "gases" for O2. The exchange is almost instantaneous. So once that low/no DO water reaches the surface it becomes highly oxygenated. I am ASSUMING that water raised to the surface becomes more oxygenated than water that sits 1' or 1" below the surface somewhere else on the pond. Isn't that raising our DO no matter day or night?

I don't know enough either!! Where is Bill Cody!!??

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