Howdy Folks,

Thanks for having me! I'll be brief...

I live in Smyrna, GA ( right outside of Atlanta ) and am a member at one of our local neighborhood pools. Adjacent to the pool is a pond which is probably close to 10 acres. I love to fly fish and hit up the pond as much as possible. I'm literally one of two or three folks that fish the pond as access is gated. I've had a down year, fishing, and am trying to figure out the health of the pond. The bluegill population seems to be thriving, as well as the crappies. As for bass, they're in there, just not finding them as easily as I used to. Largest LMB i've caught from this pond is probably a 4 lb'r about a month ago ( very nice fish ). I'm fairly confident that there are some 5-7 lbr's in there.

The north end of the pond is eroding rapidly, it seems. No vegetation aside from the banks and no noticeable algae problems. Just here trying to figure out/ learn about pond management, in regards to sustaining a healthy LMB population for years to come.

Thx for listening and I appreciate all of the good info/ insight that I've read, so far, and any future advice I may receive.



Once in awhile you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right

~ R. Hunter