I'm using a 1023 with three 9" double diffusers on a 3 acre pond running about 8 hours a day and it works well.

If I recall correctly on the 9" diffusers I am using two (one double Matala diffuser) will not quite handle the volume of air the 1023 puts out. In other words it would over pressure a double 9" diffuser at a 9' depth.

So with the 9" Matala diffusers I should not use it on less than three of the diffuser heads at once. I normally run it on 6 at once (three doubles).

I would say if you had anything over an acre pond you could make it work with three diffusers. You would just run it fewer hours. So you would need a timer capable of starting a 1hp motor which is what I have.

Running fewer hours per day just means the pump will last more years.


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