So, my pond is shaped like a three toed paw print. The middle "tow" is very shallow. 3ft at the mouth gets down to 1 ft pretty quick. Another inlet is probably 4 ft deep and run off feeds in during big rains. The last inlet is probably twice the size of the other 2, I would estimate 5-6 ft at it's deepest, and is spring feed, as well as tied into the pretty large watershed above the pond. The main body of the pond is 10+ feet deep near the damn. I was thinking of getting a kit from eBay that has a 3/4 hp twin piston compressor and 4 ring difussers. I can house the pump in my shed and run a pex line to the water's edge and have a post where I can have valves for the 4 supply lines going out to the difussers. I thought I could put a diffuser in each inlet and 1 in the deepest part of the pond. I am wondering though if the 2 smaller inlets even need one. The fish kill happened mostly up in the shallower water, but I figure the fish were looking for better water and just ran out of places to go. Anyone have any direction on the above plans?