Thanks Bill. I kinda thought that might be the case. Surface area wise, my pond is small, like .1 acre, but its deep. I'm sure I can get by with a single diffuser, placed in the middle of the pond. Plan is to elevate it off the bottom on a platform of milk crates, so I'll actually have it around 10'.

The way vendors advertise their pumps make it hard to determine if a certain pump is adequate. Then its finding one that fits the budget. I'm satisfied the diffuser end just needs to provide some kind of lift, even if its minimal for my size pond.

.10 surface acre pond, 10.5 foot deep. SW LA. The epitome of a mutt pond. BG, LMB, GSF, RES, BH, Warmouth, Longear Sunfish, Gambusia,Mud Minnows, Crappie, and now shiners!!...I subscribe!!