I can't give you any direction regarding an aeration system. I'm still trying to figure that one out myself. I do know with your pond's depth, 10psi will be more than sufficient. You'll find a lot of info here, but it's trying to cipher through it all that gets challenging. I think it's more about CFM than PSI. The key, I think, is the diffuser and finding one that won't create too much back pressure on the pump at the depth you decide to set it. Considering 1/2# of pressure for every foot you drop, 10 feet would only require a pump capable of 5psi. The Gast 0523 seems to be a pretty popular unit, but go with what your budget can handle.

Keep us in the loop on how the sump pump is working for you.

Last edited by Mike Whatley; 06/23/18 10:03 PM.

.10 surface acre pond, 10.5 foot deep. SW LA. The epitome of a mutt pond. BG, LMB, GSF, RES, BH, Warmouth, Longear Sunfish, Gambusia,Mud Minnows, Crappie, and now shiners!!...I subscribe!!