Ok. Thanks for all the replies. Here is a little more info. O2 gets into the pond from runoff, photosynthesis, and surface. We had 6 large grass carp and we experienced several cloudy days in a row. The pond is pretty protected from wind as well. Even 20+ mph wind does not produce white caps. I ran a hose from the discharge side of a shop vac and submerged the end of it this morning. Tooled around and fished out less than 200 fish, but 3 of the 6 grass carp. They are huge. I bet the longest one is close to 4ft. I then went to home Depot and got a 3000 gal/hr sump pump and rigged up the contraption that was suggested. It is running now. I will study up on start up procedures, but what pump and diffuser would you guys recommend? I am thinking a rotary veined Gast that will do 10 psi. Housing it is no problem, electricity is no problem. I just want to know some opinions of those who have already been down this road.

Thanks again!