I wish I had a pond just like you described. This pond is prime real estate for a trophy bluegill pond. In fact, your pond is ready for BG introduction if you are interested in having them. Seems you might from reading your post.

You don't need alot of BG. Just maybe 10 parental pairs per acre or so to get started. I wouldn't stock 2" fingerlings, there may not be a sufficient number of them survive. After stocking, the YOY will feed your LMB and they will grow. If you follow the harvest guidelines recommended for trophy bluegill, you will be able to harvest LMB and bluegill from this pond. As long as bluegill numbers remain low, they will grow very fast and the LMB will successfully spawn.

It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so - Will Rogers