My guess Tracy is 2 fold. I think you are asking 2 different things. I think a 3 lb LMB stomach will hold 6-8 pellets easy. But I don't think one will eat that many. I would guess a LMB would eat 1 or 2 max in your conditions. HSB are different and are known to gorge on pellets. I think one 3 lb HSB could hold 6 pellets but probably would only eat 2 maybe 3 at one time. The question is the competition level for the pellets.

I think you made wise decisions on the no GShad and the tilapia only.
I would not do 1 feeder per acre on a multi acre lake. To much risk of water quality issues if you feed more than a few lbs per acre a day. Studies say 10 lbs per acre max and that IMO is highly risky.