another update...The kids and I have been having fun catching some fish. Finally got a HSB to bite in late march and it seemed to be growing nicely. The HBG are growing nicely also and are fat as ever. My daughter caught the biggest one to date last evening, 9". Wish I would have got a weight. And a nice YP. Ribbons were seen in several areas of the pond and seems to be all sizes of YP. The fish just devour the pellets every night.Forage base still looks great with plenty of FHM and GS. Also am trying to still get some SFS, I need to contact the guy again to see if he has gotten any yet. I finally seen a couple crayfish in a clump of grass I was pulling from the pond. And I got 8 SMB delivered in the spring. Although I am a little annoyed that they promised the other size would be ready but that fell thru. I hope they are available this fall. If not I guess those 8 will grow fast.

.75 acre pond dug in September 2016. YP, HBG, HSB, SMB, and RES.