Arkansas has an interesting read....the state says this on unlisted species....Restricted Species
Some species are well established in Arkansas aquaculture but under criticism at regional and/or national levels.
While we do not currently restrict the trade in these species, persons possessing or desiring to possess these
species are requested to apply to AGFC for a Restricted Species Possession Permit. .... Not required?

I know some large commercial Arkansas hatcheries have imported and sold YP fingerlings in the past. Kentucky only allows transport through their state only on Yellow Perch, even though YP are in most rivers and lakes in the state. Regardless, you wouldn't get me delivering a restricted species and violating the Lacey Act of 1900...been there, done that and am about $75,000 poorer for it....

Last edited by Rainman; 04/20/18 04:49 AM.