I was thinking more about the water mixing capability of the wind. I have watched plumes of muddy water caused by a small spot of bank erosion move out to the center of the pond. I know from diving that surface current produced by waves can produce long shore currents and undertows.

What I don't know is if these currents would help the deep colder water below the thermocline.

Here is a link to the observation of wind created current.

thread showing current flowing out to the middle of pond created by wind

This is a quote from that post:
Happened to be out yesterday and noticed a muddy streak of water heading off across the pond. It was a very windy day. It looked like the muddy streak was coming from somewhere out in the pond toward the bank.

Upon further examination the muddy water was in fact coming from a small portion of the bank which had exposed clay. The waves were washing the clay into suspension then the undertow current was taking the muddy water out in the opposite direction of the wind and waves. So what looked like muddy water coming in from the center of the pond was actually muddy water moving out.


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