Hi everybody, I have a big winterkill this year and have never had one before, and was just wondering if anyone has any ideas why? My pond is 1/2 acre, 8ft deep , windmill aerated ,
built in 2008, spring fed, stocked in 2008. this year was the first year it has ever froze up solid even with the windmill. I could see the bubbles still blowing under the thin ice over it but for about 2 weeks of very extreme cold it froze solid. the fish kill consisted of 6 giant grass carp , a few big catfish, and some panfish, probably 20-30 fish total, I never seen a dead fish until now after ice out. we had a mid season rain and overflow flood of coffee colored water that raised the pond a foot and then refroze except the aerator hole, the water stay dirty the rest of the winter and still is.
Thanks for any ideas.