Thanks for that thoughtful reply Bob Lusk.

Thank you for sharing some of the figures and information about putting on conferences. Many people never have the occasion to ever consider those costs or what putting on a conference involves. Sharing some of that information helps put in perspective the challenges involved.

Thank you for being frank and open.

I almost did not return to this thread because it was devolving into something that was becoming less than pleasant to read. But reading your post made me glad I did.

Ok Bob I recall you saying one time that you see weird every day. Well I have something that I consider weird about my participation. But I want to share it with you just as another "data point" to your business. The forum to me is the main reason I am around. I subscribe to the magazine and will continue to do so, even though I am sometimes a month or two behind reading them. I am on the forum nearly every day, but I do not always get around to reading the magazine. I can't even explain why. It is just weird. But I figure I get enough benefit and enjoyment out of the forum that I donate annually to the forum and also subscribe to the magazine in support of the usage I get out of the forum. I suppose I could just donate to the forum and quit subscribing, but I feel both are needed to support what has become a very enjoyable one of my hobbies. I don't know if there is any useful information in my admission of how lazy I am concerning the magazine, but maybe it just shows that there are different strokes for different folks.

At any rate, thank you and Otto (as well as the moderators) for your perseverance in something you believe in. I enjoy it.


I subscribe to Pond Boss Magazine