Spark, when you comm with Lusk, consider your words below:

"I am a hunter myself, but I questioned the wisdom of removing the best genetics from a population, solely for the sake of pride or accomplishment."

You questioned the 'wisdom' of a huge amount of people here. You went further with the 'solely for the sake of pride or accomplishment." You co-opted any thought process or reasoning they might have had besides 'pride or accomplishment.' That's insulting and condescending. It also makes pride or accomplishment seem like a negative stimulus.

And when a discussion starts, you pound your position, past the point of 'conversational' banter. For context, we know that you have wit when you want.

The example above is related to peace and well-being on the forum. The rest of this thread is about NOT doing harm to the Pond Boss organization by making positions that don't support the Pond Boss organization seem like they are in any way acceptable.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."