Merrian-Websters definition of 'Affluence:' affluence: abundance of property : wealth; an abundant flow or supply : profusion

See 'property' in there????!!! (maybe take off the blinders...)

I said land ownership; I never said 'money' or 'wealth,' but you are par for the course when one wants to only hammer in their own view, relentlessly (as has been done countless times on the forum by the same person). Remember your long dissertations on hunting?? That really pleased a lot of folks here; but your opinions on why you don't hunt were soooo important to everyone here, especially those who LOVE to hunt. Actually, scratch that....your opinions on the same were important to you; others...not so much.

Funny how you bring up politics. One of the major problems from '08 to '16 was the sad form of governing to the extreme minority (eg. Transgender people-men in women's bathrooms) while damning the majority. A failed philosophy for sure.

When you read highflyer's or Dave Davidson's posts above, you seem to really appreciate the feedback. I get a different message from each of their words. Again, it seems like you're reading those posts with blinders on, seeing only what you think validates your position.

Finally, I can help rest one issue for you. I'm not getting admonished for anything I've written here, I assure you. My line of replies and my choice of prose on this thread started very dry and ratcheted up from there to my current tone. And now I'm fully engaged. I will never sit back idly and watch someone take a big dump on something I love, and something that has provided so deeply for myself and others for close to (15) years.