Originally Posted By: highflyer

This is my last thoughts on this.

One, it appears you are judging with emotion, not facts. To what end?

Two, who wronged you? And why do you care?

Third, saying something is not a threat does not make it so.

Fourth, if you want to be banned, walk away. It is obvious to everyone you are displeased with a lot of us, yet most of us don't know why.

Fifth, saying you will not let this go is illogical, and has no answer. Best of luck with this one, its yours.

Finally, anonymous surveys rarely yield scientific results. If you want true results, you need to take proper care to setup your survey. And taking a survey about how much you would like to pay for any good or service is pointless. I always want to pay less, everybody does.

Best of luck with your choices, I hope you find peace.

Thanks Brian, I know you have tried to understand my reasoning throughout this entire process, and you’ve done so logically and compassionately. I appreciate that. Whatever happens, I have no reservations at continuing to see you as a friend also.

Since I’ve gone this far, I have little more to lose, so I will delve briefly into politics... a big problem in this country is that few are ever held accountable for their wrongdoings. And the higher up the chain you go, the more we would probably all agree this is true. I’m going to have my feet held to the fire publicly for my role in this thread, and I have it coming. But will the mods face any repercussions?

Eric posted that it was fine to revisit old threads, then admonishes that it’s better to let sleeping dogs lie. I responded that I found it humorous we could switch gears so fast, and that not revisiting old threads with new info/questions would lead to stagnation. He removed my post, citing no personal attacks... there’s a big difference in a personal attack, and being called out because you made a mistake. When that happened, I no longer saw PB, I saw a symptom of what’s wrong with our society. There is a double standard. Two sets of rules. A class division. Is an expensive PB conference another head on the same hydra? I don’t think so, but I do understand how some might?

Things aren’t the same for pond owners everywhere. Sunil’s assertion that having a pond must mean you have more money than regular folks, just shows how far removed from a huge segment of pond owners he really is. Saying crap like that just sets the wedge down a little deeper. And this from a mod no less. Will he face repercussions for his statements and behavior during all this? Will Eric? Is there one standard after all?