The standard is the standard. I have only been here for about seven years, but everyone I have interacted with lives by the standard. This is a magical forum. Yes there are problems and quarrels, but they work themselves out like any other family problem. Sometimes that means people drift away. It's normal.

I assure you that you did not cause this. It has been going on for some time now. I like facts, logic and reasoning, others like emotions. It is a free country, mostly. Pondboss will go on. It will learn form this and grow. In the end, we all make our choices. I choose to stay engaged. George was mentioned earlier in this post, I remember that thread and the responses from them both. George would give you the shirt off his back and scold you for loosing yours at the same time. It was how he was. But he would not let BS go unchallenged. George has been gone for over two years and if that thread still bothers someone, they will have to work it out for themselves. That may include drifting away.


The one thing is the one thing
A dry fly catches no fish
Try not to be THAT 10%