Actually, Spark, I don't think you pay for usage of the forum and you 'use' it all the time (now, granted, we have (1) anonymous donor this year, and that could be you. If so, my first point is mute, and that is not to try and 'call' you out; obviously the amount of active members that donate is low).

So, I think your comment that you "....see no reason to pay for what I’m not going to use," may not wholly truthful.

You also don't mention that you self-admittedly don't like being around groups of people, more so than just discomfort. In fact, I think you have even said that your own family gatherings are hard for you get through. Nothing wrong with that, but certainly, that would be a major factor in 'not' going to large conferences.

I also take exception to the comment that Pond Boss caters to Texans. Sure Lusk is from Texas and that was where it all started, but (3) PB Con's have been in Missouri.

Regarding general comments about affluence and how it may relate to being able to 'afford' to attend one of the conferences, I would suggest that just be even being a land owner, and a land owner with a pond, you are already at a higher level of 'affluence' compared to the rest of the population. This fact is one of the reason why we all feel so much kinship here...we mostly all share that 'land ownership' mentality.

Finally, I'm miffed as to why you seek to let the forum know that you don't subscribe to the magazine, repeatedly. Do you want others to follow your example? A lot of us subscribe to the magazine simply to support Pond Boss.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."