Brian timing is a problem, that is for sure. Hard to get a date that accommodates everyone. I kind of also have to work around our schedule too. It is pretty flexible but we do have some family reunions and commitments to work around.

The main thing I was thinking about was the weather. This will mostly be an outside event but we do have a shed in case of some less than favorable weather. Summer is too hot and busy. Late fall the weather can get cold. By the end of September we are usually finished up with corn harvest and not yet started with bean harvest. I don't really do much in the fields any more, but I do like to stay available if needed. And most years we have some really pleasant weather then.

Eric my intention was something informal like Highflyers event. Just a get together of friends made here on PBF. If Bob would like to make it more than that I would entertain any ideas. He has been to my place and has stayed in Pittsburg more than once so is somewhat familiar with the area.

I do not expect huge numbers. If we get a dozen we will have fun. I would be surprised if we get more than a couple dozen. If we get 50 we still could handle it. But it will give a chance for some of the PBF'ers within driving distance to have a face to face. That was my intention. Nothing like a conference.

Last edited by snrub; 11/29/17 12:56 PM.


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