Temperature Preferences of Four Fish Species in an Electronic Thermoregulatory Shuttlebox
W. W. Reynolds and M. E. Casterlin , The Progressive Fish-Culturist, 39:3, 123-125, DOI: 10.1577/1548-8659(1977)39[123:TPOFFS]2.0.CO;2

By contrast, the pumpkinseed was the least precise thermoregulator, unlike the closely related bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) which has a very precise preferendum exceeding 30øC (Reynolds and Cas- terlin 1976). Pumpkinseeds showed a low peak at 26øC; other published values range from 24.2 to 32øC for this species (Coutant 1977, Table 1).

Note 24-32C = 75-89 F degrees.