Bummer about the pictures.

Pumpkinseed are beautiful fish. The one and only time I have seen them in person we were visiting friends on Cape Cod and my buddy and I went snorkeling in Hathaway Pond. Pumpkinseed were on the nest in shallow water and we could get up to within almost arms length. One male that had made a nest on one side of a fallen tree log I could actually see the developing eggs in the nest. Very cool. Very colorful fish. The male would warily watch as we carefully approached. Water was clear. Cold though.

Also two foot long LMB that eggs had already hatched and the male was guarding what looked like thousands of tiny gnat size babies. Some yellow perch in the pond out in open water. First time I had seen those fish too but they did not hang around long. Just a glimpse and they were gone.

Last edited by snrub; 11/21/17 11:01 PM.


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