Thanks, Luke. I like frogs and I'd like to see 'em more around my place. We have a pretty wide variety showing up for free bugs on the back porch most nights, but I've yet to see a bullfrog here. I am curious to see how the addition of the pond this fall will impact the diversity of critters around here. Thanks for the response. My place my be really small, but I'm really enjoying it so far... every day.


Originally Posted By: DrLuke

I think bullfrogs are a good thing. They can reflect decent water quality. They can (possibly) be a forage source. I've always enjoyed seeing them, watching them do their thing. And catching them is fun too!
I shared the pictures of my niece because I love seeing family and friends enjoying my pond, and I know lots of the PB forum gang does too.
all the best,

96.85840735 percent clayton... the rest is just pi.

We become what we think about.