Originally Posted By: canyoncreek
surprised that frogs are even mobile in this cold weather. I tried to get bullfrogs tadpoles to propagate and no luck so far, only leopard frogs. That one is giant!! I wonder if it is a different species?

He was very cool to the touch and lethargic. Air temp was only about 40°F. Not sure why he was so late getting 'dug in' for the winter? Maybe something disturbed him in the silt pond?
I'm confident it's a bullfrog. I just think my frog's have gotten the benefit of low predation, so some live long enough to get this big. Reminds me of the first rule of QDMA style whitetail deer management...they have to live long enough to reach trophy size!

"Politics": derived from 'poly' meaning many, and 'tics' meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.