John F, I wasn't thinking adding the soilfloc to the clay, I was going to have him add the sand first. The finer the better (even bentonite if it was cheaply available) then add the soilfloc above that. With fine particles the soilfloc locks them together (providing, PROVIDING that the water can flow down through the sand to pull the polymer into the inter-spaces down below the surface) I'm sure if added on top of clay it would just make a slippery surface on the clay. But you are right, if the sand is setting on top of the clay and water isn't moving down through the sand, not sure how it would work. Depends on how many inches of sand is put down.

My sand layer on top gets like concrete with the soilfloc in it. you almost have to drill holes to get fence posts pounded in. Then around the post the soil keeps locking tighter and tighter so that you can't get the post back out too smile