Big Pond,

Don't really know which, if either, is more agressive...generally speaking they'll leave you alone if you leave them alone...if you corner or try to pick one up they'll be very defensive and I'm sure you know they can bite the @#$ out of you ! \:\) ... I've also heard stories of swimmers/waders being bitten but have never met anybody like that or witnessed the act...I have tried to catch one that was swimming in a shallow creek in Ohio, all he wanted was to get away, never tried to bite me until I actually grabbed his tail...I even stepped on his shell and all he did was struggle to get away...wouldn't suggest this action though...'re lucky to see this behavior...I'd like to see it just for the experience...I've been collecting various reptiles for a long time and enjoy seeing different behaviors...just goes to show you sometimes the "experts" (NOT me !!) can be a little off !...thanks

NC Marine, I'd have to agree with Mr Broussard, Unless you're totally prepared to deal with a top pond predator for an extended period you probably need to have him relocated...still, it's neat to have and observe him for a short time...

Kelly, cool pic...don't know which is luckier, the gator or the turtle...BTW, I think the turtle is a Cooter, not sure though...
