The other thread got me to thinking about when to stop feeding. I guess main question was will a CNBG eating the same amount of food in 55 degree water gain the same as a CNBG in 75 degree water.

I talked to a few people about this when I first started feeding, but I may have misunderstood what was being said. My understanding(which may be WRONG) as the water gets colder, the fishes body doesn't convert fish food to body mass as well, thus a deminishing return on food as water temps decrease. If the fish isn't converting it to body mass, then it is being pooped out and increasing the nutrient load of the pond.

If that is not the case, I may feed till they stop eating regardless of water temp.

1.8 acre pond with CNBG, RES, HSB, and LMB
Trophy Hunter feeder.