22 inches of rain in my 2 acre pond sent lots of rapid water over my 20 foot wide earth/grass spillway.Only 3rd time in 3 years. Lucky enough to get down to the pond before 8am yesterday morning to see cnbg all over the ground. Luckily water was running over them and I saved over 200 fish. My question is what is the best method to keep this from happening again? Would hardware cloth stretched across be too small? I figured the fish would smash up against the screen and be killed. That is why I had nothing in place. Would they get out under the wire? Am thinking of something removable when not needed. Better to put it farther out to prevent them from getting swept away or on the spillway area to catch them as they start to go over? Fish that went over included about 50 5-7 inch ones but most were 1-2 inch.Dont want to stop the water flow so what size mesh should I use? Suggestions or details of what others have done appreciated!!

Dear Alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better dancer... I saw the video... We need to talk.